Jest: Isolate your Code Coverage on Specific Files.

April 28, 2024


Run yarn:isolate:coverage, select a file, and see the coverage for that file only.


When you run jest --coverage, Jest will collect coverage for the entire project. However, you might want to focus on specific files or modules to get a more isolated view of the code coverage.

This is particularly useful when you are working on a specific feature or module and want to see the coverage for that part of the codebase without running all the tests, all the time.

Step 1: Update Jest Configuration

We need to accomodate our Jest configuration to change the collectCoverageFrom value based on an environment variable.

// jest.config.js
import type { Config } from "jest";

const coverageFrom: string[] = [

const { COVERAGE_PATH } = process.env;

const coverageCollection = COVERAGE_PATH ? COVERAGE_PATH : coverageFrom;

const config: Config = {
  collectCoverageFrom: coverageCollection,
  //   Rest of the Jest configuration

export default config;

Which you would then run in your terminal with:

$ COVERAGE_PATH=path/to/your/file/hello.ts jest --coverage path/to/your/file/hello.spec --watch

This is a bit cumbersome, and time consuming so let's improve the process.

The ideal situation would be to run a command like yarn:isolate:coverage, select a file in a list, and see the coverage for that file only.

Step 2: Create a Script to Simplify the Process

Inside your script folder (assuming you have a script folder), create a file called and add the following script:

ℹ️ Note: I have added a few comments to explain the script.


# Finds source files (not spec files), with various extensions and select one
function select_file() {
  find . \( -name "*.js" -o -name "*.ts" -o -name "*.jsx" -o -name "*.tsx" \) ! \( -name "*.spec.js" -o -name "*.spec.ts" -o -name "*.spec.jsx" -o -name "*.spec.tsx" \) | fzf --prompt="Select a source file: "

# Determines the corresponding test file(s) based on glob pattern
function get_test_files() {
  local base_name="${1%.*}"  # Remove extension
  echo "$base_name.spec.*"

# Handles multiple test files and select one if multiple are found
function select_test_file() {
  local test_files_glob=$(get_test_files "$1")
  local test_files=( $test_files_glob )
  if [ ${#test_files[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "No test files found for $1"
    exit 1
  elif [ ${#test_files[@]} -eq 1 ]; then
    echo "${test_files[0]}"
    # If multiple test files exist, use fzf to select one
    echo "${test_files[@]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | fzf --prompt="Multiple test files found. Select one: "

# Validate input argument for the type of test to run
if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "No arguments provided. Use --coverage or --unit."
  exit 1

# Determines the test command directly
case "$1" in
    test_command="jest --coverage"
    echo "Invalid argument provided. Use --coverage or --unit."
    exit 1

# Execute the file selection process
if [ -z "$selected_file" ]; then
  echo "No file selected."
  exit 1

# Determine the corresponding test file
test_file=$(select_test_file "$selected_file")
if [ -z "$test_file" ]; then
  echo "No test file selected or found."
  exit 1

# Run Jest directly with the selected test file, including the coverage path if necessary
if [[ "$1" == "--coverage" ]]; then
  COVERAGE_PATH="$selected_file" $test_command "$test_file" --watch
  $test_command "$test_file" --watch

Step 3: Assign the right permissions

Make the script executable by running:

$ chmod +x scripts/

Step 4: Add the Script to Your package.json

Add the following script to your package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "test:isolate:coverage": "scripts/ --coverage",
    "test:isolate:unit": "scripts/ --unit"

Step 5: Install fzf

You need to install fzf to use the script. You can install it with brew:

$ brew install fzf

Step 6: Run the Script

Now you can run the script with:

$ yarn test:isolate:coverage

You will be prompted to select a file, and the script will run Jest with the coverage for that file only.


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